Exchange Club of Mattoon
Upcoming Events
Give A Kid A Flag To Wave - Mattoon Veteran's Day Parade, Nov 11th
National Work Day - November 8th
Annual Club Christmas Party - Wednesday, December 18th
Fall Auction Fundraiser (Date to be announced)- Open to all community members who would like to support our Club's High School Scholarship Program and monetary donations to many community-wide charitable organizations. So....if you are of a mind to clean out those storage areas of no-longer-used items, please consider donating them to this worthy cause. Let us know by a quick phone call to 630-263-3361. We might even be able to arrange pick-up for larger pieces.
Programs And Service Projects
Give A Kid A Flag To Wave - Mattoon Exchange Club regularly passes out American flags to children at community parades as part of our Americanism Program
Proudly We Hail - Annual recognition of individuals, businesses, and organizations who regularly fly the American flag with dignity and respect.
Book of Golden Deeds Award - Annual recognition of 'unsung heroes' within the community, those who make significant contributions to the well-being of us all without fanfare or special recognition
Scholarship Program - Mattoon Exchange Club annually awards four $1,000 college scholarships to Mattoon High School seniors based on a rigorous review process of applications submitted by interested students.
Financial Support to community organizations within the scope of our Programs of Service - Americanism, Community Service, Youth Programs and Prevention of Child Abuse - that, on an annual basis, normally totals more than $16,000
Freedom Shrine - Mattoon Exchange Club purchase, frames and installs major documents illustrating the history of our cherished American Freedoms. Some of the present locations are Mattoon High School, Riddle and Williams Elementary schools, Mattoon YMCA and Lakeland College.
Adopt-A-Highway - Members volunteer four weekends each year to clean a three mile stretch of Route 16 west of Mattoon
Mattoon Food Pantry - Club members regularly volunteer to assist with various activities at the Food Pantry, including home deliveries, packing of food boxes, sorting and storing of food deliveries
Mattoon Light Works - During the Christmas season, club members spend one week volunteering to collect donations and pass out treats at the exhibit entrance
National Day of Service - A special day set aside for service to our local community
Salvation Army Bell Ringing - During the Christmas season, club members man the kettles at various locations throughout the community
ACE Award (Accepting the Challenge of Excellence) - The Mattoon Exchange Club honors students that have overcome major obstacles in their lives and have become valuable, contributing members of society. One youth is selected to receive a monetary award and his/her name is submitted to the Lincolnland District competition
Youth of the Month/Year Awards - The Club honors six youth of the Month Winners from Mattoon High School, one of which is chosen Youth of the Year, receiving a monetary award and having his/her name submitted to the Lincolnland District competition
Police Officer, Fireman & Medical Person of the Year Awards- The Club honors an individual in each of these professions for outstanding service to the community